Adult Acne Treatment Reviews

Kim Kardashian Gets Fraxel Laser Treatments to Achieve Her Flawless Skin

Have you ever wondered how Kim Kardashian has such a nice flawless skin? Her secret is Fraxel laser resurfacing treatment. The only thing is, depending on the strength of this laser treatment, you may have to hibernate yourself for about 3 to 4 days. This is because there could be some scarring as a result […]

34 Year Old – Kicked Oiliness And Acne To The Curb

This man, who had a troublesome oily skin, successfully got rid of it by switching to a paleo diet, which is a modern nutritional plan diet. Even though he was on Accutane treatment, the side-effects of it got the better of him. Find out what comprised of his diet that cured his skin condition. Read […]

Treating Asian skin requires a delicate balance between clearing the condition, preserving pigmentation

Dermatologist Roopal V.Kundu of the department of dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, addresses the issues of the common challenges faced by Asians in their treatment of acne and other common skin conditions like melasma. Here are some proposed solutions for the Asian skin. Read more

Dermatologists shed light on common pigmentation problems and solutions in skin of color

A good article about how to combat the changes of pigmentation especially on people with darker skin. Dermatologists have found some ways to help treat these bothersome pigmentation issues. Topics covered include Hyperpigmentation, Melasma, Lichen planus and Ashy dermatosis. Read more…

A New Age In Acne Treatment; It’s No Longer Just a Market For Teenagers – New York Times

Link: A New Age In Acne Treatment; It’s No Longer Just a Market For Teenagers

Why Should Kids Have All the Acne? – New York Times

Link: Why Should Kids Have All the Acne?

The efficacy of blue light treatment of mild to moderate acne

Link: An open study to determine the efficacy of blue light in the treatment of mild to moderate acne (This is a pdf document)

Skin Deep – Adult Women Battle Acne –

Skin Deep – Adult Women Battle Acne – NYTimes

Skin care on a budget

Skin care on a budget

The Perils of Adult Acne by Dr.Perricone

The Perils of Adult Acne