Adult Acne Treatment Reviews

Facial Steam for Acne Treatment

Acne can present such a big problem for young people they are considered a real health risk. The fleeting self-confidence of teenagers can be shattered by the coming of acne, and that can scar people for life, not only in the physical sense, but also emotionally. The causes of acne are mostly genetic, and hygiene, […]

Natural Ingredients and Home Remedies

In today’s world, despite scientific advance in treatments for skin problems, many people prefer to rely on both natural ingredients and home remedies. These remedies are preferred because they are readily available, easy to use, are gentle on the skin, and avoid the use of harsh chemicals. Most natural ingredients are botanicals, derived from plants. […]

Good Nutrition: A Recipe For Healthy Skin

We all know that good nutrition is a recipe for healthy bodies and skin, and many countries have a national food guide to help their citizens meet their essential vitamin, mineral, and nutrient requirements. China, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Canada and the United States each have guides. Most nations recognize four food groups: […]

Four Simple Steps to Skin Care

There are four simple steps to consider in caring for you face: cleansing, treating special problems, moisturizing, and protection. These steps should be repeated morning and night. Step 1: Cleansing Simplicity is the key here. You need to find a good cleanser that your skin responds well to, and stick with it. There are excellent […]

Acne and Diet

For years dermatologists were adamant that diet did not influence or affect acne. However, recent scientific research suggests the link between diet and acne does exist, particularly in a Western diet. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a report from researchers who believe it isn’t the particular food you eat, like pizza or chocolate, […]