Adult Acne Treatment Reviews

Acne Types and the Perfect Home Remedies for Each One

woman checking for acne on face

You wake up one day with a feeling of a pimple on your skin, you go check it up on the mirror and voila! You are officially a member of the largest club in the world: The Acne Club!

But don’t worry you are not alone on this, 85% of the world get acne at some point.

First of all, you need to discover what are the types of acne? And after knowing what type of acne lesions you are suffering from, I will suggest a bunch of home remedies that will help you for sure.

Acne Types

Acne vulgaris

face with acne vulgaris

We all know the most common type of acne are in the forms of whiteheads and blackheads. The scientific name for them is Acne vulgaris. The most common body areas for acne vulgaris breakouts are the upper body spots, such as, face, shoulders, neck, back, and the chest.

This type of acne is the mildest one and it can be cured with medications consisting of benzoyl-peroxide or salicylic acid. On the other hand, it can lessen or even cure with home remedies, for example, turmeric is one of the best home remedies for acne vulgaris.

In addition to its anti-infective and anti-bacterial features, it’s also a great antioxidant and it will help you a lot in treating your skin blemishes. Just follow the instructions!

How to use turmeric for acne vulgaris?

turmeric powder

The preferred way to use turmeric for acne vulgaris treatment is to mix it with water or oil. It will produce a mix like paste.

Apply this paste-like fluid on the affected spots at night (leave it on all night and wash it in the morning) for 3 nights or more and enjoy the results!


woman with rosacea

Acne Rosacea (also called ‘Adult acne’) is a skin disorder that usually appears on the face. Rosacea can be distinguished from other types of acne by its redness, in some of the rosacea cases, some small blood vessels also appear on the affected facial areas.

Most of Rosacea patients doesn’t know that they have it, and the cause of Rosacea is still undiscovered till the present. However, there are much ways to lessen it and today I’m suggesting a home remedy that is highly recommended for rosacea’s patients due to its amazing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. That would be none other than Honey!

How to use honey for acne rosacea?


Yes, honey has a lot of benefits to your skin, especially if you used it to lessen rosacea. Plus, it’s a natural moisturizer that can be rubbed on your face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with tepid water. Let me know what are the results! 

Cystic acne

face with cystic acne

This type of acne appears when bacteria gets stuck inside your skin’s pores. It’s also possible to get cystic acne when a pore gets obstruct with dead skin cells. Cystic acne can cause some itching and may even hurt, yet don’t you ever try to burst it!

The cysts will spread infection as soon as you burst them which will cause more breakouts. So my advice to you is to stay calm and use one of the best home remedies for skin problems.

Introducing to you, the neem tree also known by a lot of names like Indian lilac, nimtree, Azadirachtaindica, and margosa. It doesn’t matter what you call it since the important thing is that you use it for your cystic acne.

How to use neem for cystic acne?

Neem tree leave

Because of its antimicrobial and antiseptic abilities, Indian lilac is so effective for reducing pain and swelling, you just need to follow these next steps to have good results:

  • In a mildly hot water, soak the neem leaves until they soften
  • Bring a mortar and pestle and grind the leaves into paste
  • Apply the paste on the affected areas
  • Wait till it dry on its own
  • Rinse it off with tepid water 

Acne can be very severe sometimes. If that’s the case for you, please go see a doctor! The home remedies above are for lessening the symptoms and the pain. and that would be my last advice for my dear readers. 🙂

Author’s bio: Katherine is a skin care content writer who works at and contribute articles on other blogs and websites as well. The skin care articles she writes are always dedicated to help people with skin issues. Katherine always hopes that her content can help as many people as possible.