Hi! My acne website has been around for quite a while and has been receiving some good readership. Many must be wondering who really is the person behind this site. So I thought instead of hiding into oblivion or perhaps eliminating a bit of my shyness for publicity, I’ve placed my image here.
Here I am sitting in a cozy corner of a local library where I do research most of the time. Yes. That’s me and I’m for real.
Well, I’ll just talk a little about myself. I’ve been surfing the net most of the time for the past 15 years just for the fun of it. You get to literally go anywhere and get to know and learn a lot of things. It’s like traveling around the world virtually.
Back then, there wasn’t even such a thing called blog. The internet was all about information and it was very static at that time. Each time you log into a website, you almost get to see the same old stuff and layout. It became very boring.

Birth of a Blog
[Photo credit: cmscritic.com]
Ok. I don’t want to go too much into details about that. Anyway thus his online diary was called a blog. It was derived from the words web log. The rest is history. Just like the big bang, there was an incredible explosion of blogs of such which today has developed into serious business. So where is this all heading to you may ask.
Why I Started an Acne Review Blog
I always wanted to start a blog just like the millions out there already doing so. There are two ways you can handle this. One as a personal diary and allowing others to comment on your opinions about any topic that interests you. The other being a business.
I always had this passion about helping others. The thing that makes me happy most is if someone out there benefits from me. So why not start a blog on it? I decided to start with nitty gritty things like “Why kids are becoming smarter than their parents these days?” or “How to train the cats not to scratch your expensive leather sofas” and things like that.
But writing anything on this doesn’t really solve anyone’s problem. I met up with a friend of mine to discuss about this. That was in fact the turning point. This friend of mine whom I knew for quite a while suddenly became very reserved. She was getting reluctant to meet me. I did not actually knew what her problem was until she decided to meet me.

Acne cartoon [Image credit: healingrosacea.com]
All I could tell her was to see a doctor or a dermatologist. Those options were too expensive for her. She had already tried over-the-counter skin products and it all failed her.
I presume it was bad advice from her friends. She had no choice but to see a doctor which she did in the end. After that it was an ongoing repeated visits to the clinic where she was undergoing observation by the skin specialists. Her skin seems to be improving. Much of her acne seems to have disappeared.
But it came with a hefty price. She needs to pay regular visits for this expensive treatment in order to get rid of her acne permanently. The worst thing is the doctor told her that there are no guarantees should there be another outbreak! So, the problem is still not resolved.
She is my friend and she is in pain. I wanted to help her. So why not write about acne! I did a little reading about it and then decided to start one. Much to my horror, there were already so many acne blogs out there! Well, in a way that is good. I got to visit these blogs and get to know a lot of information about the problems acne sufferers are facing. I realized that there are many skin types and everyone’s skin is unique and that each of them reacts differently to a single product. I became quite passionate about this topic.
I realized that the skin industry is really huge. There are a lot of skin-care products being sold online. Some of them works while some don’t. Even the most reputable ones had its own shortcomings. Most of these products are “quick-fix” stuff. Meaning there are chemicals included to fix any skin blemishes as soon as possible. Apparently it end up giving a lot of side-effects. This itself became another problem faced by acne patients.

Natural remedies
So I decided to run an acne review site where I review some popular acne solutions which are being actively used by current people. I source around the forums and read the reviews provided by the users of certain products. That would be probably the best source to sum up the rating of any skin-care product. I also started to source around information for curing acne naturally. Yes, and that hardly costs any money.
Ok. I think I’ve been a bit long-winded here. I’ll just some it up. The purpose of a review site is to help people make a better judgement of a product which ultimately could influence them to purchase it based on their own preferences.
So I have to give unbiased reviews of the acne products I review here. To tell you the truth, no product is perfect. But those which are 100% chemical-free are the ones which are actually near-perfect.
The best part of these products is that they hardly have any side-effects. Even if there are so, they are extremely rare. So I really hope that my reviews will help you guide and decide which is the best one for you. If I create a link to a product in a review, sometimes I may get paid a commission if a visitor to my site purchases the product. You can read my Disclosure Policy.