Adult Acne Treatment Reviews

Rehabilitation of Body Acne

Body acne can be very distressing for any woman especially who loves to dress herself in tank tops and tube dresses. Body acne is usually found on neck, arms, back, groin and chest. Don’t worry ladies; there are numerous methods to deal with these.




The first and the foremost measure in treating acne are to wash the body and maintain hygiene standards. Having said that I do not suggest bathing often but if you are one of those who sweat profusely or remain outdoors frequently, then cleansing at least twice is recommended. In case of severe acne, rinse with an anti-bacterial soap. People who do not want to use that may try body washes containing glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy acids. Avoid harsh soaps or heavily perfumed body washes, as they can irritate the skin.

Let your skin take breaths

Let your skin take breaths

Let your skin take breaths

Tight fitting clothes result in body acne. Such clothing entraps sweat and cause acne to flare out. Loose fitting clothing allows the skin to respire and the perspiration to dry, thus minimizing the chances of skin infection. People who wear skin tight clothes may aggravate their existing acne.

Exfoliate regularly

Woman Getting Facial Treatment

Woman Getting Facial Treatment
[Image Credit: Corbis]

Body acne can be checked effectively with frequent exfoliation. The dead skin on the body clogs the pores thus making skin prone to acnes. Regular exfoliation with a mild exfoliant supports new cell development and gives a healthy, radiant skin.

Eat healthy

Eat healthy

Eat healthy

Eating well can be full-fledged strategy in keeping acne at bay. Nothing else can substitute a good diet for skin care. Chart a diet plan that is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids. All of these are known to lessen acne symptoms or prevent them completely. Some decent food examples are fish, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid oil-based food; these can cause your acne to flare up.

Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water

When the level of toxins is high in the body, water is needed to flush out the toxins from the body and clear up the blemishes to get a luminous skin. Water deficiency can lead to a lackluster skin as the inner detoxification system goes weak and results in flare-ups. So, sip up the most important remedy in curing acne.

Shun unhealthy practices

Shun unhealthy practices

Shun unhealthy practices

Do not rub or touch acnes. When someone touches the acnes with unclean hands, he is unknowingly worsening the condition. The hands pass on the germs and dirt contacted from an array of surfaces like doorknobs, elevator buttons, and other people. With such hazardous elements, constant or habitual picking of the skin causes more inflammation that can result in scars and dark spots. Therefore, avoid squeezing, rubbing and touching acnes.

Do exercises

Do exercises

Do exercises

Exercising ensures flushout of toxins that may cause body acne. Regular exercising boosts up blood circulation. It makes one sweat, releasing the toxins out. This also regulates the hormones, which might be the reason behind the zits in some cases.  Exercising boosts up lymphatic and immune system, making it better equipped for fighting the germs. Just a precaution: wear loose clothes while following the regimen.

Stay away from stress

Frustrated Woman at Computer With Stack of Paper [Image Credit: Corbis]

Frustrated Woman at Computer With Stack of Paper
[Image Credit: Corbis]

Keep stress at bay. Stress is a major reason of acne, in children as well as adults. Acnes are formed when bacteria get entrapped in the blocked pores. Studies have confirmed that stress is the basis of inflammatory response in the skin. Stress leads to abnormal adrenal gland functioning. The glands produce male hormones. The higher level of male hormones may cause acnes in women. Stress aggravate the pre-existing condition as well..

Consider home remedies

Consider home remedies

Consider home remedies

You can treat body acne with some home remedies- best known for their skin care properties. Freshly prepared cucumber paste, tea tree oil, neem oil, a concoction prepared by boiling neem leaves can be utilized in the fight against body acnes.

Consult an expert

Consult an expert

Consult an expert

Somebody with minor breakout may treat them with little care at home. But if the condition persists or worsens, then he or she must take an expert advice. The expert should be an experienced dermatologist who can guide you through an effective skin care.

Treat topically

Treat topically

Treat topically

One of the best and quicker ways to treat acne is to apply a good acne cream. Acne sprays can be applied to a larger area whereas a gel or creams are best suited for smaller areas. Many drug stores and beauty stores are packed with such skin care products. Clindamycin phosphate, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are known for their anti-acne properties.

Implement these options in your daily life and get a beautiful radiant skin that is ready to flaunt.

Author’s bio: Melissa is a freelance writer by profession and fitness enthusiast at heart. She mainly covers topics related to health, fitness, beauty and skincare. She always prefers natural remedies such as Revitol acnezine acne treatment, Revitol acne treatment cream, and Revitol acne removal moisturizing cream for natural glow and shine.