Your skin is the first thing that others notice about you. If your skin is covered with blemishes caused by acne, especially if you are an adult, chances are that you are feeling a little self conscious. You have likely tried dozens of products claiming to treat those blemishes, but they can be extremely expensive, may not even treat the problem, and can even result in other skin problems (dryness and redness, for example).

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Instead of shelling out tons of money on treatments that don’t work, or that cause other problems with your skin, try making your own acne remedies at home. There are natural ingredients in many products that you already have in your home which help combat those unsightly blemishes. Inexpensive and effective treatments for your acne? Could it be true? Yes! Read on to find six simple remedies that you can make yourself.
Believe it or not, tomatoes are a great cure for acne. The acid in them helps remove the marks which acne leaves behind. In order to make a tomato acne treatment, simply cut a tomato and spread it onto your skin. Allow it to sit for about an hour and then wash your face. After just a few treatments, you’ll notice a big difference in those blemishes.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This household product is popping up everywhere in beauty and healthcare lately, and for good reason. It helps treat everything from heartburn to hiccups – and it even cures acne.
Apple cider vinegar helps balance the pH of your skin, which minimizes the appearance of acne. Plus, it works wonders at softening and exfoliating the skin. Just apply a few drops to some lukewarm water and rub it on your skin with a cotton ball.
Sugar Exfoliator
Sugar, the great provoker of acne, according to many old wives’ tales and urban legends. While the consensus of what junk food will do to your skin may never be agreed upon, sugar in its natural form is excellent at healing your skin.
Sugar is naturally coarse, making it a great tool for getting rid of dead skin cells, which provoke acne. To make a sugar exfoliator, just mix 3 tablespoons of brown sugar with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture to your face and work it in. Let it dry and after 15 minutes, remove it with a washcloth and cold water.
Spuds are another great tool for reducing acne. They contain vitamins B and C, which are both full of rich benefits, especially for your skin. Namely, these vitamins help absorb excess subum, which often results in more blemishes. To use potatoes to treat your acne, simply peel them, slice them, and place them on your skin.
Cucumbers have long been noted for their ability to treat various problems with the skin. Certainly you’ve seen images of women at the spa, relaxing while cucumber slices sit on their eyes. Although this may seem like a silly trick that only makes you think it’s working, the cucumbers actually reduce puffiness when placed on your eyes, and have properties in them to heal acne, as well!
Made up of 95% water, cucumbers remove the buildup of dead skin cells and clean out the pores at the same time. Just slice up some cucumbers, grind them, and mix them with some water. Wash your face with the cucumber water and you’ll begin noticing a difference in your acne.
Garlic Wash
While the scent of garlic is rather overpowering, it is full of powerful vitamins to get rid of acne. Packed with zinc, calcium, and other ingredients that combat oil and blemishes, a garlic wash is a great way to keep your acne under control. Simply crush a few cloves of garlic, mix them with some water, apply the mixture to your face, and rinse clean.

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You don’t have to live with acne anymore, and spending half your paycheck on expensive products, or even worse – exposing your skin to harsh chemicals – just isn’t necessary to solve your skin woes. With these simple, natural, and inexpensive home remedies, a glowing complexion can be yours.